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Hi Sheff93,
Difficult to say without a proper clincal examination. However, I hope to help you somehow.
Need to know more about your case. How would you describe your pain? What job do you do? Any sports? Physical activity? Have you recently changed your physical activities/habits? Do you recall having minor traumas? Any medical issues with your family?
Assuming you are properly performing stretching, muscle problems do not seem to be the main reason of your problem.
Knee disorders may sometimes give those signs and symptoms you described. Therefore, attention should be addressed to this joint as well the ankle joint.
As your physio thought, the spine may be a plausible reason of your pain. This is also supported by the fact that your symptoms are bilateral. Monitoring of symptoms behaviour during spine postures/movements is key and guides the physio to rule in/out sources of pain.
Hoping to hear from you soon.