Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 27, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 8 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: Remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): First thing in the morning and late at night with some flare ups in the day, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Persistent lateral lower leg pains

I’ve had a persistent pain in my right lower leg for over 8 weeks and it is now mirrored in my left leg too. The pain mainly strikes on the outside of the lower leg just below the knee but is also frequent a couple or inches or so up from my ankle.
Sporadically I’ll get a bit of pain in the back of my calves an inch or so below my knee joint and near my shins.
I’d describe the pain as sharp and it seems to stay specifically in whatever spot it strikes rather than radiate or shoot up or down.
It doesn’t seem to be exacerbated with movement other than some tightness with walking, it seems to come on randomly while sitting still or lying in bed.
I have called my GP three times who has told me to do leg stretching exercises for another 6 weeks and come back to them after that but so far no effect.
I have just had a private physio appointment and there are no immediately obvious causes so we are working on the assumption there is an issue with my lower back.
I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or theories that might help me solve this faster because it is really affecting my quality of life at the moment!
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