Brief Medical History Overview
Injuried my foot exercising and now Ganglion Cyst?
I'm an individual that over the last year has lost 30 pounds. Has been slowly trying to increase my activity level so that I can continue my road to better health. I'm within 10 pounds of my target weight. I'm middle aged but my brain keeps telling me I'm still a younger jock.
Hence the foot injury while trying to do my first round of Sprint 8 on my elliptical trainer. It didn't really hurt so bad that first evening, but two days later I was at the doctor in a lot of pain. I was told that I had injured my foot during my exercise (which I already knew), but that I had caused a ganglion on the top of my foot.
I've been prescribed anti inflammatory Voltaren. I guess my question is, did the cyst cause the muscle tearing during the injury? And how long sould I wait for rehablitative type stretching and exercise?
Any info is appreciated.
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