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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Delayed 9mth old?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I have a 9 1/2mth old little girl who is not making any serious attempts at rolling, and is reluctant to lift her hands to indicate she would like to be picked up. I am of the opinion that she has a preference for her right hand but the pediatrition disagrees. Her fine motor skills are good, but she seems to not like to use her left hand if she has to strain to reach something. The strongest she has been when lying on her stomach is today she reached up to grab a toy with her right hand. She does not lift herself any higher than her elbows yet. She sits well. She was born with strabismus which was surgically corrected in june. She has a large head circumference but no bulging fontanelles or optic nerve. The pediatrition has ordered blood tests, hip x-rays and an ultrasound of her head.

    Im wondering if it might be a problem which can be corrected with physiotherapy if all the other tests come back ok? (which i think they will).


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    Re: Delayed 9mth old?

    Hi Cheryl
    I m a physio who is interested in paeds altho I havent formally worked in the area, lots of casual reading n m a mom of a 4 m.o. myself.

    All babies have thier own rate of development n as they say will do things in thier own time! However, it is helpful to assist n enc thier dev thru activities.

    There r specialised physios who work in the area of paeds n they can perform developmental assessments to see if the child is working towards certain dev milestones. They can also suggest activities to stimulate the development of muscle n movement.

    Unless there r underlying causes that may be hindering normal development (many causes - sensory probs eg hearing, visual difficulties etc, muscle weakness etc), all children are presumed to be able to achieve their dev potential in time. So its impt to assess 4 n rule out any such causes, them work toward strategies 2 promote dev.

    sorry 4 one-handed typing - bubs sleeping in the other arm!

    Hope this hepls

    [B][FONT="Lucida Console"][SIZE="4"]EW[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
    Physiotherapist/ Clinical Pilates Instructor

  3. #3

    Re: Delayed 9mth old?

    dear cheryl,
    I completely agree with elinwee.... a qualified paediatric physio will be able to assess your childs possibilities and discover if physio is necessary. Dr Touwen 1984 list on variation in motor miles gives a greater variation possibility than the AIMs =Alberta Infant Motor scale. Some kids take longer than others and cath up later.
    dear elinwee,
    if you are interested I could send you a paper about the current ideas on motordevelopment including his list. I would need you to send me your email adress so that I can send it to you.
    mine is [email protected]

    kind regards esther

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    Re: Delayed 9mth old?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    i agree with you girls but always is good to give her "hand" to catch up as a prevention mean then wait catch up or not.
    its only my opinion, hope shell be OK

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