Brief Medical History Overview
Dislocated shoulder issue

Hi guys I'm just looking for a bit of advice regarding my shoulder.
Almost 4 years ago I dislocated my left shoulder after landing on my back from falling off a grind rail, skiing. Over the next year it dislocated a further 8 times, and so I had an operation to have it fixed (I think the muscle was tightened somehow, not too sure though). Since then I went through the rehab and physio with it, and aside from it being slightly weaker than my right shoulder have never had any issues with it until now.
Yesterday it dislocated again, and sounded like the muscle tore as well. I went to hospital to have it put back in and now am using the brace I had from my operation to immobilize it. The doctor suggested that I may have to think about surgery again, though I would rather avoid this if possible.
So onto my question...
I intend to keep my brace on for 3-4 weeks and then go through the physio process on my own with it, using the same methods as I was shown after my operation (isometric exercises, light stretching and then onto resistance bands). Would you suggest any sort of support I can use after I am done with my brace to help stabilize/support it without limiting movement too much? and also if there is anything else you would recommend to aid the healing process.
Thanks in advance
- Danny
P.S. sorry for the long post.
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