I'm a 37 yrs Paramedic who had an active life (outdoor activities for 10+ years) but spent the last year in the office with significantly less exercise. I

6 months ago I suffered an injury whilst playing football. My right leg folded out towards my rear about 6 inches from the normal line. Initially there was no swelling and the RICE approach was utilised overnight. whilst being able to weightbear (and drive) I couldn't do much more than hobble at walking pace. I saw an A&E consultant who dignosed Med Coll Ligament damage. 10 days splinted and then physiotherapy had a good initial response but then ground to a halt. I experienced tremendous pain on flexing my knee and couldn't go more that 140-150 degrees (the left manages full flex) An Wikipedia reference-linkMRI was inconclusive and I had an arthroscopy 14 days ago. My Ortho Consultant de-brided my kneecap and noted a meniscal tear but thought it sufficiently self healing to do any work on it.

I can now flex my knee to within 5-6 inches of my buttock but only after extension flexing.I still have the pain and feel a tightness on extension behind the knee and above and below. My flex has definately increased but the tightness and pain is still there. Does anyone have any sugestions

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