Are you experiencing any:
- knee locking
- knee giving way
- knee effusion (low grade constant "swelling" around knee)
The Med Coll Lig (MCL) is commonly injured in conjunction with the ACL and the MedialMeniscus (known as the Triad) - once that happens the knee often becomes unstable.
You describe in detail your range abilities - what about functionally - ie whats your walking, stepping up and down, running, squatting etc like? What are the activites that you still have trouble with doing?
Most people do worry about getting the bend (flexion) in their knee back, but often, the extension is the one that is harder to return post injury if its not worked on early on. The flexion, with consistent rehab efforts, often does return in time but one can often be left with a full extension deficit due to neglecting to address the extension component.
Your range also sound pretty good 14 days post arthroscope. Given that you have had the injury for 6 months now before getting the arthroscopy, your knee function would be affected just because for the past 6 months it had the injury to deal with while ou were still WBing on it. In the grand scheme of things, 6 weeks is the initial soft tissue healing phase but it takes longer than that with good rehab for any injury to recover to good/ normal function. With bony fractures, it can take up to 12 months, and I imagine with a significant soft tissue injury, anywhere between 6-12 months.
To assist witht he recovery of function, good rehab program is essential. Besides working on pure range and strength, it is also important to address specific functional tasks and the entire lower limb biomechanics to prevent other futher problems from occuring.