Brief Medical History Overview
Please HELP: Scapula Winging & Shoulder Impingment. ADVICE URGENTLY NEEDED!

Hi, my name is Julian.
I’m a 27 year old male.
I have been suffering from a shoulder injury for three years now and all of the treatments I’ve had thus far have provided no relief from my pain and discomfort.
My injury is a lowered and ‘winging’ scapula (on my right side).
This must have, in some way, been caused by my previous heavy bodybuilding weight training, including very heavy ‘shoulder press’ and ‘bench press’ type movements.
As a result of my pain and discomfort, I’ve stopped training altogether.
My condition, though, has not improved at all.
The symptoms of my condition are:
• Very tense pain in my neck and trap, on the right side.
• Impingement pain when I raise my arms above my head to style my hair.
• A ‘numbness’ (difficult to describe) in my right buttock, and an uncomfortable sensation that runs down my thigh (It feels as though my entire right side is, somehow, being ‘pulled downwards’)
• Aching in my hip.
MRI scan showed nothing unusual.
If you were to look at me ‘front on’, my right shoulder looks lower than my left.
I’ve been told that it is the mal-position of my scapula that’s causing my condition.
However, all of the Shoulder Setting and Stability exercises I’ve done have rendered no improvement at all.
I have, to date, seen 3 different physiotherapists.
I’ve also tried Deep Tissue Sports Massage, Acupuncture, Yoga and Osteopathy.
And yet, still no improvement.
It has now come to a point of tremendous frustration and anguish for me, having tried all of these things and experiencing no improvement at all.
I simply don’t understand why, despite so much effort, nothing’s worked.
I've also had a NERVE TEST. My results were normal.
I’m posting on this forum in the hope that a professional in the field may offer me or suggest an approach they feel may work, based on the information I’ve provided.
I look forward to your help.
Thank you.
Julian James
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