Brief Medical History Overview
Knee trouble - Preventative measures & supports

I'm in a minor pickle as I have booked to see a Physio, but the earliest they can see me is 1 day before I go snowboarding for a week. The injury I believe is related & if there's some form of support that I can buy. I'd like to make the purchase prior to the holiday.
My problem has improved since I booked the appointment, but it is a reoccurring injury that I've had for 4-5 years. As I've mentioned I board & I also weight train, run short distance of around 3-4 miles or use an elliptical trainer around 3-4 times a week. My knees also click allot but cause me no pain when they do. I'm ex infantry & used to play rugby so along with everything else I have a long term goal to manage/improve my knees.
So every once in a while I get pain around my knee cap but not under it. This will last for 3-4 months, sometimes painful to walk & other times will just stop me from exercising my quads, running & boarding.
Is there a specific brand or type of knee support that you would suggest? I'm guessing as far as the support is concerned I don't need a brace, but perhaps a neoprene support to help with compression & supporting the patella?
Suitable knee supports?
I'd like to continue the sports I enjoy for a long time to come, so anything that would permit me to do this would be great.
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