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Thread: Knee Pains?

  1. #1
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    Knee Pains?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi all,

    Im a 16 year old who does quite a bit of sport. I play football, rugby, basketball and run. For a while now I have noticed that I get pretty bad knee pains, it used to occur after I have done sport. For example, after I had played football for a few hours I would struggle alot to walk down stairs without looking like a prat. I would find it really hard to put any pressure on it (after sport).

    I am now starting to get worried as when I am doing sport this pain is occuring, I cant put much pressure on it and struggle to change direction quickly, (quite essential in ball sports).

    Just for info, I am pretty short for my age -- I think around 1m65-70 and weigh about 60Kg. Im hoping this might be just due to the fact I might be having a growth spurt but this is still bugging me.

    Also just wondering would a knee brace help me much here?

    Thanks in advance,


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    Re: Knee Pains?

    Hi Wills,

    You are correct that it may be due to a growth spurt, and everything is just re-adjusting, however this should pass fairly quickly.

    What I would suggest is a basic strngthening programme involving squats and lunges to build up around the knee and also stretching of all the muscles linked to the knee. Get someone to show you correct techniques, because without them there is no point bothering.

    I don't recommend a knee brace, you need to get your body to sort the problem out, a brace will just weaken the knee with prolonged use.

    I would suggest that you see a physio for an assessment, just to find out exactly what structure is damaged.

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    Re: Knee Pains?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Where exactly is the pain? Can you describe it in relation to the knee cap, (is it above or below the knee cap - medial or on the inside of the leg, or is it more lateral or the outside of the leg)?

    If for example it is below the knee cap, you may be describing shin splints which is common in sports going young athletes.


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