Brief Medical History Overview
Calf Pain Cramp/Pulled or worse?

I been trying to find some relief for my calf pain. i have a bad cramp or charlie horse type feeling in my left calf. I tried heating pads, tylenol, motrin, stretching it, stretching in the shower with the water on real hot blasting my calf, bananna's doubling up on vitamins, all to no avail.
I am on 40mg oxycontin 4x day, 15mg roxicodone 4x day, 600mg Neurontin 4x day for my bad back, have
spondylolisthesis with 2 herniated disks at L4 L5, L5 S1. the pain has been constant for 6 days now. the first night it started it woke me up, and it keeps me up every night since.
i did have a ultrasound done to my calf and they did not find any type of a clot or anything. so my dr now is thinking of having me go for a
MRI. the pain at times is very painful. i know pain due to back being the way it is, and this is more painful than my back has been in a long time. should i go for the MRI, or am i just chasing ghosts? what else could my calf be doing to me?
i am on my feet about 70% of the day. I dont excersize. i am a about 20 lbs overwieght for what i would like me to be. i am a non smoker, no drugs, except for my synthetic heroin. hehe
i wouldnt say i am horribly out of shape, but i am strong and active.
i dont have high blood pressure. i have no other illnesses except allergies and allergy induced asthma. i cant think of what else to add.
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