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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Calf Pain Cramp/Pulled or worse?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    I been trying to find some relief for my calf pain. i have a bad cramp or charlie horse type feeling in my left calf. I tried heating pads, tylenol, motrin, stretching it, stretching in the shower with the water on real hot blasting my calf, bananna's doubling up on vitamins, all to no avail.
    I am on 40mg oxycontin 4x day, 15mg roxicodone 4x day, 600mg Neurontin 4x day for my bad back, have Wikipedia reference-linkspondylolisthesis with 2 herniated disks at L4 L5, L5 S1. the pain has been constant for 6 days now. the first night it started it woke me up, and it keeps me up every night since.

    i did have a ultrasound done to my calf and they did not find any type of a clot or anything. so my dr now is thinking of having me go for a Wikipedia reference-linkMRI. the pain at times is very painful. i know pain due to back being the way it is, and this is more painful than my back has been in a long time. should i go for the MRI, or am i just chasing ghosts? what else could my calf be doing to me?

    i am on my feet about 70% of the day. I dont excersize. i am a about 20 lbs overwieght for what i would like me to be. i am a non smoker, no drugs, except for my synthetic heroin. hehe
    i wouldnt say i am horribly out of shape, but i am strong and active.
    i dont have high blood pressure. i have no other illnesses except allergies and allergy induced asthma. i cant think of what else to add.


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    Re: Calf Pain Cramp/Pulled or worse?


    Hmm... You appear to have undertaken a very aggressive treatment quite early, however could you clear a few things up?

    You have had calf pain (*where?) for 6 days now, and you have tried:
    - Heat pad - (how long for, how much heat, did it help?)
    - Tylenol - as above
    - Motrin - as above & was this Dr prescribed?
    - Stretching - how?
    - 'real hot blasting my calf' - what effect did this have?

    Then you are already on
    - Oxytocin, roxicodone, neurontin (since when) for your 'bad back'?
    - Spondylisthesis - since when?
    - the pain which has been constant for 6 days is referring to the back or calf pain?

    * You mention standing for long times each day, have you been doing so in the last 6 days as well?


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    Re: Calf Pain Cramp/Pulled or worse?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    my family phys is out on vacation so this is the on call dr who ordered these tests. he might send me for a Wikipedia reference-linkMRI.
    my calf is swollen and hurts like a S.O.B. for 6 days now, this is considered aggresive treatment? what should have i done before this to try adn find relief?

    answers to group 1

    i used the heating pad for 4 days now and i had minimal relief
    tylenol and motrin has slightly better success for this.
    i was told to take 600mg of motrin every 4 hrs, but i dont want to take that much cause i dont want to bother my stomach. so i lowered it to 600mg 3x a day. i started this as soon as it started to hurt.
    i been doing 2 stretches which are theone where you sit and pull your toes towards while your leg is straight. the other is, standing, i move my leftleg back and try pushing my heel back to stretch the calf muscle.
    the hot shower blast doesnt work.

    group 2 answers.

    i been on oxycontin for 4 years, the last 2years with the 40mg/day.
    i was diagnosed with spondy at 18, and i am 33 now, so 15 ys now. i am grade 1or 2. i am 6mm slipped. L5-S1.epiidoral done on the 18th and iit didnt work that well. going for a microdeskectomy, or a surgical decompression soon to relieve some pain.

    the 6 days of pain is calf pain. my back always hurts.
    iits been actually 8 days now. 6 of those i been on my feet at work for 60% of the time, on the weekend i took it easy. i am always on my feet at work for 60% of the time. more or less at different days. i have to wear steel toe shoes, not bootsfor what i do, but i do use inserts in all my shoes for my back. just makes t he shoes more comfortable..

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