Brief Medical History Overview
Double Ankle Tenotomy Aftercare?

I am hoping that someone may be able to offer some advice. My son has had a tenotomy on each achilles tendon (a z plasty). The operation was a success and he has been in plaster from the ankle to the knee for the past six weeks.
The question is that he had the plasters removed on Tuesday evening and the specialist, although saying that insoles would be prepared for the future, suggested no course of physio or offered no advice as to what we should be expecting.
It is now Saturday and he is in discomfort whenever he has to walk - he is altering his gait so as not to 'stretch' the tendons in his calf. Although we will get further specific advice come Monday, we are just wondering that are such symptoms; increasing levels of pain/discomfort, altered gait and a desire not to walk, to be expected after such an op? Naively we had thought that after the actual op had taken place and the plaster casts removed that he would be all fine again...
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