Quote Originally Posted by Lynz View Post
Totally with you on the idea of her making an informed decision (i'm a third year medical student), just wanted to add my positive experience so she can see that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel from having surgery!

to be honest when i had my op, i had the best guy in the country as one of my consultants, so maybe i was lucky with my surgeons!

let's hope that someone can lessen her pain, its not nice to have back pain!
Dear Lymz,

I could not agree more. I was told as a youth with back pain by a surgeon that unless I had the surgery, I would be in a wheel chair in ten years. That was 1977.

I am not in a wheel chair and very much mobile.

A physical therapy worked for me and numerous patients that I have seen.

However, that is not everyone as I have had less than one per cent that did need surgery. The problem as I see it with the physical approach is that assessment has to come a long way.

Hope you time as a med student is productive and all you hoped for.

Best regards,
