Brief Medical History Overview
Ripped Calf Muscle recovery final stages...

Hi... thanks very much for making this forum open to patients. Very generous of you. And very much appreciated. Now some background...
About a year ago, I started running every other day. Took it easy and ran in good shoes. No problems. About two months ago, I added steps. Lingering calf soreness but I thought little of it. About 3.5 weeks ago, I felt a *pop* in my calf muscle while running to catch a plane in an airport. I iced, elevated, compressed.
A week later, still much in pain, I went to an osteopath/sports medicine doctor. He showed me where I could feel a tear in the muscle and taped it up in a way that really seemed to accelerate the healing process. He recommended I suspend running for three weeks. This week is the end of the third week.
In the mornings, I need to warm the leg up a bit before it feels 100%. But it's moderate to nothing now compared to first days of the injury. I have mild tenderness in the calf to the touch, but can walk on it fine with no pain at all. Usually. The other calf has some very slight soreness too, so I'm worried that was also strained a bit.
Anyway, I'm anxious to get back "on the road" but of course don't want to injure it again, which is something I've seen reported on many running forums.
So yesterday I took a walk on my running route and got only about 10-15 minutes into it before I felt an odd sensation, not in the calf which didn't hurt at all, but in the inside ankle just above the inside heel. It was stiff, as if tight. And very mildly tingling at points. I was afraid that if I kept going, I'd injure it somehow and be out even longer, so I turned around.
But is some kind of stiffness normal after this kind of injury? What's the best way to get back to running without causing a new injury? That is, are their specific exercises to do first? Or stretches? I'm happy to take it easy as long as I can get back out there again.
Thanks again and thanks in advance for your reply.
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