Brief Medical History Overview
Upper back problem! Frustration! Help! :o(

Hi all! Just want your opinion on my problem!
I have been suffering from upper back pain for 4-5ish months now. It was caused by overstraining in the gym. The pain is mainly situated at the tip of the scapula (traps), and surrounding shoulder blades (rhomboids?) I have also noticed there are several really tender points around these bits. My lats also feel abit discomforting at times. Things that make it worse....Wearing a shoulder bag, resting back against sofa and any harder pushin and pulling movements.
X-ray and tests were negative. I went to a priv chiropractor halfway, and even though he did some spinal work, he hasn't really helped in terms of getting rid of what he said were trigger points (reason i went there). I got sent to the rehab sections and was told to do some forward arm raises against the wall and scap squeezes to strengthen my traps&back.
Since then I have been to a physio on the nhs but was dismissed and refered to a back to fitness class so i can do some stretches and exercises with a group.
I have also tried to improve my posture and exercise using the cross trainer at the gym as well as strengthen,stretch my back as already mentioned, but for some reason these nagging points are still there. I can't help but think ithese are the main causes and can be addressed (through massage?) but no one seems to be on the same wavelength as me not sure how to go about it now. What do you guys think? really need some direction! thanks!
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