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    HELP! I think I've torn my Hammy!

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I've recently returned to ballet after a 5/6 year break....... and as I predicted would happen, i've gone and hurt myself....

    3 weeks ago I was doing a grande jetee (large leap in the splits) and felt a "ping" in my right hamstring..... the pain ached but subsided although my leg was uncomfortable for several days afterwards....

    Last night I performed in a show and had to do the same leap again....... I felt the "ping" again and this morning when I woke up I discovered series of bruises on my upper thigh and swelling (apparent bulging of the muscle)..... I spoke to a friend on the phone and she agreed it sounded like a partial tear....

    I've treated with ibuprofen and a topical sports heat cream.... I'm aiming to rest it for approx 48hrs and then gently start stretching the area..... does this seem the correct mode of attack?

    I've attached photos so you can see the lovely sight I was presented with this morning....


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    HELP! I think I've torn my Hammy! Attached Images

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    Re: HELP! I think I've torn my Hammy!


    No massage or creams for at least a week, or until swelling subsides. No alcohol for 48h. No hot packs or hot baths. No stretching for at least a week. (Although in your case, being a dancer, I am assuming that you are quite flexible and is impt to maintain some degree of flexibility - so I sometimes suggest to my dancers, that they go sit with their backs against the wall with both legs out straight in front of them, so their hips are bent at right angles to the wall - only IF in this position, they are NOT getting a real pull on the sore spot of the hamstring, only a little little pull or stretch if that. Hold the sitting position for 10-15s only, then relax. If even this position makes the swelling or pain worse, then dont do it).

    Also possible can do some gentle plies but only in closed positions such as first or third (avoid fifth, too tight) - try some demi-plies first. Should be able to do rises, but dont zip up the knees too tight. Vary your degree of turn-out (basically want to avoid full turn out if it starts to hurt the tear spot).

    Keep a tubigrip over the knee/ thigh for compression and support but dont use a leg warmer over it - avoid heating up area.

    Its always hard to give cyber advice without an examination - so do take all advice here carefully.

    Ibuprofen - can continue until swelling subsides. But bear in mind that it is a pain-killer, so dont overdo the activities as you may not have protective pain.

    With the ice - frozen veges always does the trick, but any sports ice pack will also do. Just be careful of ice-burns - dont leave it on for more than 20 mins (but if you cant tolerate 20 mins, just however long you can manage) - apply every 2-4hs for next 48h.

    Good luck.

    [B][FONT="Lucida Console"][SIZE="4"]EW[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
    Physiotherapist/ Clinical Pilates Instructor

  3. #3

    Re: HELP! I think I've torn my Hammy!

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Right from the start, focus on rehabilitation of your hamstring as well as PREVENTION of further injury!! One of the annoying things about hamstring injuries is that they can come back to haunt you again, and again.

    I agree with the comment below that you need to ICE++ over the first 48hours. Also though you can do some PAIN FREE active knee extension while sitting. ie: sit on the kitchen bench and slowly straighten your knee, lower and repeat. This should be pain free. Do this as soon as you've iced. Continue the knee extension for 5 minutes (pain free) and repeat the whole process (ie ice, then knee extensions) every hour.

    This may be in contrast to what is mentioned below, but it is based on new clinical theories in to hamstring injury management.

    After at least 48 hours (you may need to leave this next phase a little longer depending on how bad your tear is) you can move on to the stretch and strengthen phase.....the strengthening is vital as it will help prevent further injury.

    Hamstrings and Quads and Hip flexors

    Hamstrings (concentric and eccentric)
    Gluteals (butt muscles)
    Adductor magnus

    Get some massage on hamstring and gluteals
    Check you don't have any restriction in movement in your lumbar spine.

    If you need any further advice on which strengthening exercises fit in to the above description, I can be of further help!!

    Hope this has helped so far.

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