
I am a Pro soccer player and have been battling some injuries that have really hindered my career. I am only 22 but I having some serious issues.I have sprained my right knee many times in the past due to over training, I damaged my ACL in the past but I managed to over come it however.

About Mid- March I did something to my knee during a game. I had a cramp and kept playing. After the game I could barely walk. The tendons in the back of my knee hurt bad and my inner knee was painful a well. As usual it took forever to get a doctors appointment. I had Wikipedia reference-linkMRI and was told i only had inflamation to the knee and a back hernia. I was told to take a month off. I took the month off and my knee was still in non useable condition. I the went to a therapy place in Boston and did rehab there. At the rehab the lady kept pushing me to do some hamstring strengthening excersizes which involved pulling my self from a chair using my injured leg. Well my hamstring ended up spasming and it hurt. She forced me to do another round. This was June and ever since then my hamstring is in pain. I have alot of pressure on me but I have really tried to get it better. After the rehab stint, I took a good 2 weeks off. I know the importance RICE and epsom salt, messages, proper nutrition and sleep, but I can't get over this hamstring injury.

Its just a pain in the middle of my hamstring. and then is goes to the tendons in the back of my knee. It comes when I walk. Just a second of sharp pain and then it feels like the muscle is detached from my leg. When I swing my leg forward its not usually a problem, but then when I step down and my other leg comes forward, I feel the pain. Currently, I have taken a full week off from activity and although it feels a bit better, I still get sharp pain sometimes when I stand and walk. I really want to sue this rehab place, but I let bigger force be the Judge.

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