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    Re: Tight bands of steel= my muscles

    Quote Originally Posted by bikelet View Post
    Sorry should have been more specific. My scapula wing a fair bit and are anteriorly rotated which according to a physio is due to tight pecs. Both inferior angle stick out the most and on the left the superior angle does too. I am treating them by massage and trigger points. I'm quite happy to self treat like that as i would feel major awkward with someone else doing that if you follow me! Just generally my front side is tight/sore including both sides of the clavicle and all of the rib cage -perhaps i am breathing incorrectly? I think that the scapula wing in part due to the way my back curves, it kinda goes like < with the middle point being around the middle of the thoracic vertebra (the specific level gets stiff and sore from time to time). Sorry i can't be more specific, it's really hard to look at your own back

    Dear bikelet,

    It would indeed appear to be tight pecs from your desciption, but which pecs? Most treat the pec major, which I find less of a problem than pec minor. The pec minor acts in a more positional manner and are a greater distorter in that they try to hold a position.

    You can find these on an muscular chart. Try treating these with your massage and trigger point therapy and see if this brings greater results.

    Then you might consider checking out the serr ant. However, you will need someoneelse to treat this one.

    Another one that is often missed is the levator scapula on the side of the raised shoulder.

    Best regards,


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    Re: Tight bands of steel= my muscles

    Thanks Neuromuscular.

    Do you mean that i would need someone to help massage serratus ant, to strengthen it or something else? I am pretty sure pec minor is the major culprit just didn't want to say it in case i was wrong. I do get quite sore from time to time around and on the coracoid processes as well as just laterally to the processes so i think pec minor is the cause there

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    Re: Tight bands of steel= my muscles

    Quote Originally Posted by bikelet View Post
    Thanks Neuromuscular.

    Do you mean that i would need someone to help massage serratus ant, to strengthen it or something else? I am pretty sure pec minor is the major culprit just didn't want to say it in case i was wrong. I do get quite sore from time to time around and on the coracoid processes as well as just laterally to the processes so i think pec minor is the cause there

    Dear Bikelet,

    Because the serr ant is not easy for a self treatment, you may need a therapist to do this. The clavicle gets torsion from the subclavius. This is often overlooked in therapy. You might get checked for thoracic outlet syndrome or as some term it thoracic outlet compressio syndrome.

    Since the pec minor attaches to the coracoid process, it would be sore or tender. You will have to find cause vs effect. This is often harder that what is hurting.

    Best regards,


    Last edited by neuromuscular; 16-10-2008 at 03:00 PM. Reason: typo error

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