I've been dealing with a cervicalradiculopathy (C7) for about 4 months now and can't seem to make much progress or really get straight forward answers. I'd appreciate any help or suggestions.
My initial problem dealt mostly with weakness and dull pain in my right tricep during activity. I had some light tingling in my hand, as well as random sensations throughout my arm. I'm 25, and a baseball pitcher, so pain/weakness/tingling in my throwing arm is a major concern. It progressed twice to where I felt normal, only to literally give out again over night. I've had 2MRIs (wo contrast), an EMG, and Nerve Cond. study done. Both MRI's showed a very slight bulge on the right side of C7. It was so light, however, that the radiologist's report dismissed its finding as a potential problem. The nerve study came back negative and the EMG only found some slight irritation around my supinator.
Currently, I continue to have dullness and heaviness in the tricep, along with a tight right trap and scap, and occasional sensations at my inner elbow. I'm worried that my whole right shoulder/arm is going to feel like this forever, greatly affecting my career as a baseball player. My arm never feels weightless and loose like my left one and whenever I think it's getting better it takes a couple steps backwards.
I last saw my dr. 2 months ago and he said to rest it and that he doesn't have any concern that this will go away over time. My P.T. has consisted only of massage and manual traction, along with the prescription of a home traction unit. I was on oral medrol for 12 days after the initial diagnosis. I asked about the potential for an epidural (since i heard they work well with referred pain) and my doc said he would be remiss in doing that since I wasn't in a lot of pain and due to the MRI.
Could a leakage of disc fluid be causing all this? Could there be any other problem that would lead to such symptoms? Would the epidural be completely out of line? I'm dying for advice to get my arm back to normal. Thanks.
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