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    NPTE Test Takers

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    To all forum participants,

    Four individuals were caught sharing copyrighted NPTE materials. All NPTE materials developed by FSBPT, including NPTE and PEAT questions, are copyrighted. Copyrighted materials are protected by law. Exchanging copyrighted material is illegal.

    Posting test questions on discussion boards, receiving test questions from other examinees, and sharing copies of PEAT are all copyright violations. Violating copyright law is theft and can have severe penalties.
    These four individuals now face significant consequences. In general, each of these four individuals is required to:

    • Take a remedial course in ethics at his/her own expense (thousands of dollars).
    • Write a paper on the subject of ethical violations.
    • Pay tens of thousands of dollars to compensate FSBPT for the stolen materials.
    • Wait for two years after satisfying these conditions to take the NPTE, OR
    • Be prevented from transferring a passing score to another jurisdiction until satisfying these conditions, preventing an individual from practicing in any other than the current state.
    FSBPT also reported these individuals’ actions to the jurisdictions in which they were seeking or already held a license. Each individual could be denied a license or could have a license revoked because of these illegal activities.
    Be VERY CAREFUL about what study materials you use and share. FSBPT will aggressively penalize you if you share copyrighted questions from the NPTE or PEAT. Pleading ignorance (“I didn’t know they were real NPTE or PEAT test questions”) will not be accepted as an excuse.

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    Re: NPTE Test Takers

    Sharing a question in a physical sense might be a copy-write issue yet people discussing how one might answer a question that could be proposed in an examination I think would not be. Please do not try and outright scare people into isolation for study. Working in study groups is a great idea and should be applauded.

    Should you be trying of course to sell something, like a review course book etc, then we would be only to happy to assist. We have made several attempts in the past to contact authors of such texts with little to no correspondence.

    Under the UK law the following is totally permitted

    Acts that are allowed

    Fair dealing is a term used to describe acts which are permitted to a certain degree without infringing the work, these acts are:

    • Private and research study purposes.
    • Performance, copies or lending for educational purposes.

    I am not of course sure if this differs in North America

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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    Re: NPTE Test Takers

    Additionally I have just downloaded the free handbook which also has a few sample questions, freely available to all. I have attached the downloaded handbook which also contains the answers to the three questions below. The link for the website is: https://www.fsbpt.org/index.asp

    I could not find another other paid for type resource on the website so to be honest I am not sure what these individuals mentioned in the original post are referring to. Did they have stolen past exam papers?

    There is at the bottom of the document an online training link - ONLINE PEAT (PRACTICE EXAM AND ASSESSMENT TOOL)

    It mentions the following in relation to that

    The Practice Exam and Assessment Tool is as similar to the real NPTE as possible so that you'll be able to identify your strengths and potential pitfall areas. FSBPT's Online PEAT offers:
    • The same format and type of questions as the actual NPTE
    • Immediate and automatic scoring for your online practice examination
    • A detailed performance report by content area and system
    • Explanations and rationales behind correct answers
    • References to help you increase your knowledge
    You can have access to Online PEAT for 30 days when you have paid the $90.00 access fee. If you decide you need additional time, you can extend your access time for 15 days by paying an additional $45.00.

    1. After sitting at a computer station for 2-3 hours, an individual reports experiencing a sharp, localized pain in the left arm. When asked to show the location of the pain, the individual points to the area of the insertion of the deltoid. The pain disappears when the individual stands up and walks around briefly. Which of the following interventions is MOST likely to correct the problem?

    a. Isometric strengthening of the deltoid
    b. Lumbar extension exercises in prone
    c. Instruction in correct postural alignment in sitting
    d. Instruction in shoulder active range of motion exercises

    2. A patient with a medullary level vascular lesion has increased vagal nerve activity. Which of the following descriptions BEST represents the cardiovascular effects that occur when the patient transitions from supine to standing?

    a. Rise in blood pressure and no change in heart rate
    b. Drop in blood pressure and no change in heart rate
    c. Rise in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate
    d. Drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate

    3. A patient has used crutches with a partial weight-bearing toe touch gait for the past 3 months. When progressed to full weight bearing, the patient is unable to demonstrate a heel-toe gait sequence with the involved extremity. Which of the following disorders is the MOST likely origin of the gait abnormality?

    a. Plantar fasciitis
    b. Fibular (peroneal) nerve palsy
    c. Heel cord tightness
    d. Hammer toe


    1. During a physical therapy evaluation, a patient with a sprain of the deltoid ligament of the ankle reported pain with palpation of the affected area and with ankle motion that stresses the ligament. To determine any change in the patient’s pain level during subsequent treatments, a physical therapist assistant should perform which of the following actions?

    a. Palpate anterior to the lateral malleolus, and passively plantar flex the ankle.
    b. Palpate inferior to the medial malleolus, and passively evert the ankle.
    c. Palpate over the sinus tarsi, and passively invert the ankle.
    d. Palpate deep to the Achilles tendon, and passively dorsiflex the ankle.

    2. Which of the following instructions would be MOST appropriate to give a patient who is learning pursed-lip breathing?

    a. Exhale through pursed lips while contracting abdominal muscles.
    b. Exhale by blowing air out forcefully between pursed lips.
    c. Exhale by relaxing air out through pursed lips.
    d. Exhale in quick short puffs through pursed lips.

    3. A patient with impaired kinesthesia who is performing active range of motion exercises of the upper extremities will MOST likely require which of the following supplemental interventions?

    a. Visual cues while performing the exercises
    b. Pain-relieving modalities prior to performing the exercises
    c. Trunk stabilization while performing the exercises
    d. Stretching prior to performing the exercises

    NPTE Test Takers Attached Files
    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
    Chartered Physiotherapist & Member of the CSP
    Member of Physio First (Chartered Physio's in Private Practice)
    Member Australian Physiotherapy Association
    Founder Physiobase.com 1996 | PhysioBob.com | This Forum | The PhysioLive Network | Physiosure |
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    My goal has always to be to get the global physiotherapy community talking & exchanging ideas on an open platform
    Importantly to help clients to be empowered and seek a proactive & preventative approach to health
    To actively seek to develop a sustainable alternative to the evils of Private Medical Care / Insurance

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    Re: NPTE Test Takers

    To all forum participants,

    Discussion forums such as the Physio Forum provide a valuable means of sharing information, advice, and personal experiences for individuals preparing for important events such as applying for licensure. Collaboration is a valuable part of the learning process.

    The original posting on 12-01-2010 was not meant to discourage such collaboration. Rather, it was meant to highlight recent inappropriate actions performed by licensure candidates preparing for the U.S. licensure examination (the National Physical Therapy Examination, or NPTE) that violated U.S. laws and resulted in severe penalties. The hope is that sharing current examples of unacceptable test preparation strategies will prevent others from performing the same actions and experiencing the same penalties.

    One example involved an individual posting recalled test questions from a recently taken test to solicit feedback on the correct answer and an explanation for why the answer was correct. In this case, the individual signed three contracts or security agreements as part of taking the NPTE, agreeing to abide by confidentiality rules, which included refraining from sharing test questions or other test content with anyone. The individual understood the security agreement but thought it was ok to post these questions because other discussion group participants were sharing their recalled questions. According to U.S. copyright law, this person’s behavior (as well as others on that discussion forum), even though well intentioned, was theft.

    In a second example, an individual attended a review course. Other students attending the course were sharing questions, but no one came out and said the questions were from the NPTE. Questions can come from many sources, and the individual did not know the questions were from the NPTE and protected by U.S. copyright laws. After the course, this individual posted several of these shared questions on an online discussion forum, again seeking understanding of the correct answer and the rationale for the question. According to U.S. copyright law, this person’s behavior, even though well intentioned, and even though the individual did not know the questions were protected by copyright law, was theft. This person could have avoided violating copyright laws by posting to the discussion forum general topics or concepts that were confusing rather than specific test questions and options.

    In a third example, an individual obtained a copy of a practice exam, later emailing that copy to other test takers. The copyrighted practice exam, which is available for a fee to test takers, is protected by U.S. copyright law. The individual was not authorized to possess the copy because no fee was paid, and the individual was not authorized to distribute the practice test to other examinees. Under no circumstances is this type of sharing permitted under the premise of educational purposes. This behavior is considered theft.

    Using a discussion forum to solicit input on general concepts and principles is appropriate. Using a discussion forum to try to obtain advance information about test content, or to provide others with advance information, is not appropriate.

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    Re: NPTE Test Takers

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    year as a senior internee(employee)i , am in a great confusion wether to apply for hpc.i dont know how to fill in those forms.i will be very greatful if u will help me to fill in those forms.please do reply.
    yours sincerly
    immanuel paul vinod

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