Hey melbray3- There are lots of jobs in Canada! The hard part is getting all your papers in order and then passing the exams. Good luck1 For all the details go to www.alliance.org AND.. what's wrong with Ontario??? Visit us at www.quinterehab.com
Hi, I'm an Australian-trained physiotherapist and have had experience in the areas of sports, aged care, acute orthopaedics, cardio, women's health & acute neuro rehab. I am looking for work in Canada - preferably BC or Alberta. I am having my credentials assessed at the moment & want to spend a few years working over there. Can anyone tell me if they know of any jobs going or any helpful contacts????
Reply to melbray3@hotmail.com
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Hey melbray3- There are lots of jobs in Canada! The hard part is getting all your papers in order and then passing the exams. Good luck1 For all the details go to www.alliance.org AND.. what's wrong with Ontario??? Visit us at www.quinterehab.com