r there any books ,coaching institutes or professional tutors that guide students to clear these tough entrances after BPT?
Is there any possibility to receive examples of previous PCE exams and how?
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Last edited by physiobob; 08-09-2011 at 10:38 AM.
r there any books ,coaching institutes or professional tutors that guide students to clear these tough entrances after BPT?
Hi Maala,
I am also studying for canada PCE.IF POSSIBLE FOR YOU then we both can study together.my email:reply2shachi@gmail.com everubody says it is better to study in group.do contect me.
Hi Everyone,
I am a physiotherapist from Eastern Europe currently living in Canada. My education was recognized by the Canadian Alliance of PT Regulators as substantially equivalent to Canadian graduate physiotherapist and I was given a chance to write the PT Competency Exam. To prepare for this exam I've studied thousands of pages from the long list of books (from the Alliance's web site). I am confident about my clinical knowledge but I found extremely difficult to understand the logic in some of the multiple choice questions. I can't find any sources to prepare for these questions which supposed to be 'logical'.Or maybe is just about English? I really don't understand my problem and I feel completely lost.Can somebody help me please with this test? I would greatly appreciate any information, suggestions or hints. If there is anybody from this forum who prepares at the moment for this exam I am open to create a study group.
Thank you very much.
Hi Guys, did u'll go through the credientiallity part? It seems a big deal.. Even i am strting to prepare for my exam.. not strted still... at all.. any sugestions / help would be highly appreciated. I have been out of touch from studies from last 2 years .....
I´m a physiotherapist from Iceland, living in Canada. Finally I got permission to take the PCE and my test date is nov 4th. I would like to get in touch with someone that is studying for the test or that has recently done it. Any hints on books or prep material?
I'm doing the clinical part of the PCE in Novemeber. Is anyone doing that as well? I'm based in Toronto.
I am going to sit the exam in Nov as well.
I am only beginning to study for it next week, i hope it is enough time. Im in Toronto as well, if there is a few of us we should meet
I'd be glad to meet up with some people to study for the exam. I don't think that now is too late to start, but if you want to start a group we should get going soon. Where abouts do you live in Toronto? I'll send you a PM with my e-mail.
Im in North York and could meet up next week sometime if anyone is willing to start a group.
Can meet anywhere really, whatever suits everyone.
Keep me posted!
I am living in Ajax, 70 kilometers east of Toronto. Please, let me know where you will decide to meet and I hope I will be able to make it. Thank you!
I am writing my written part on november 4th. Can you any hints which book to study for exam
I used the Susan O'Sullivan & Raymond Siegelman book for my exam. Its called 'National Physical Therapy Examination Review and Study Guide' From 'TherapyEd.com'
Its a study guide for the american exam, but I found it covered a lot of the things for the Canadian and in a concise way. It also comes with a CD loaded with practice questions, which again, were very similar to the Canadian. Its pricey, at about $80, but I wouldn't have passes without it. I also used other general respiratory, neuro and msk texts, but the O'Sullivan book was by far the most helpful for a multiple choice exam.
Hope that helps.
I am Manuel and my practical is in November.
If you are looking for study buddies, please contact me. I live in North York, but Toronto is very close to me.
For the ones who are having the theoretical exam: my opinion is that with the information found in Colby and Kisner (try getting a newer edition) and the anatomy from Wikipedia (it's after Gray's Anatomy) one can pass the theoretical part.
Also the big Sullivan book and the Magee physical exam book are recommended, but I found them less useful for the theoretical.
The NPTE book by Sullivan can also be very useful, but in a less direct manner.
Rating the resources in order by importance as perceived by me:
1) Colby and Kisner --must know everything, really, but just this one book
2) Plexus and muscle anatomy from wikipedia
3) NPTE exam book by Sullivan
Much lower on the list
4) The big Sullivan book
5) Magee physical exam book
The rest--forget it, it's there to confuse you.
As mentioned, I am looking for study buddies. Two of my friend are Canadian graduate physios, but they are too busy... however they are willing to help with answering questions and they gave me lots of books.
Best wishes,
Hi Manuel,
I'm also doing the practical in November and would be interested in starting a study group. I live downtown, but I'm sure we can find somewhere in the middle to meet. I'm trying to get a meeting together next week if you're interested. I'll PM you my e-mail.
Hello to everyone!
I would like to thank the people who have written to me and tell them I hope they will be able to pass the exam they are registered for.
For the written exam I stay by my advice stays, so please read the first posting.
I would be very interested to get some feedback on the practical exam from people who have passed it.
Of course every exchange of information that we engage in on the forumshould be strictly within the limits stipulated by the alliance--you know why.
Where I come from, we don't like snoops. I caution everyone to respect the rules of the alliance, so that nobody gets in trouble.
Here is an excerpt from Morwena's message on this forum
"So the thing to do if you are over here is to get working and make friends with Canadian grads .........
Personally I had a good resp book, a good neuro book and a good msk book with anatomy and all the "special tests". You need to know how to assess mostly, and test for stuff, and move people safely and deal with difficult patients etc. You really have to revise EVERYTHING you ever learned"
Best wishes,
Sorry Guys I am studying for the NOV Written component of the PCE. Just by reading your posts today I see you are past that.
Could you tell me how long u studied for the written component as I have 6 weeks till the Nov exam.
thanks guys
Hi Ryan,
I see many people are worried about the timespan.
It seems to be such an enormous material.
When I went to the exam I knew 2 books well: Colby and Kisner plus the Sullivan NPTE guide.
Also everything about brachial plexus and lumbar plexus from the wikipedia.
Now you may judge if that is much or little to cover in a month, a month and a half or two.
These books were pretty new to me, as previously I had looked into some on the alliance list.
I have studied cardiopulmonary from the Sullivan guide. Know everything in there.
Best wishes,
Thanks Manuel. Much appreciated.
Anyone else out there studying for the written component on Nov 4th?
I am from India,just wanted to know that in canada - you cant absolutely practice without PNE (license) or u can work as assistants or in some specific sectors?
Hi, Nel,
Send me your e-mail and I will tell you how it is in a response.
Best wishes,
hey guys....i was wondering if there is anyone just starting to think about studying for the practical exam. havent booked yet but should really start....so was seeing if anyone can point in the right direction and looking for study buddy??!! thanks!! jess