Hey all,
I was wondering if anyone could answer a question that has been on my mind long before I found Physiobob!
I'm 100% sure that I want to pursue a career in physiotherapy and have been for a number of years. As I am aware of the valuability of work experience (Nottingham Uni say that without it you will not be considered) I have been able to partake in various placement across the physiotherapy spectrum. I'm currently an A-Level student entering upper sixth, so will be looking at several Universities this summer, including Coventry, Birmingham, Keele, York St. John and QMU. But what I would like to ask is how much experience is needed if your application is going to be seriously considered/accepted? Of course I have another year left until I make my UCAS application and have other placements planned, but I'm unsure on where I stand when it comes to whether I have a good amount of experience.
Hoping someone can help me out.
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