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  1. #1

    How much experience is needed?

    Hey all,

    I was wondering if anyone could answer a question that has been on my mind long before I found Physiobob!

    I'm 100% sure that I want to pursue a career in physiotherapy and have been for a number of years. As I am aware of the valuability of work experience (Nottingham Uni say that without it you will not be considered) I have been able to partake in various placement across the physiotherapy spectrum. I'm currently an A-Level student entering upper sixth, so will be looking at several Universities this summer, including Coventry, Birmingham, Keele, York St. John and QMU. But what I would like to ask is how much experience is needed if your application is going to be seriously considered/accepted? Of course I have another year left until I make my UCAS application and have other placements planned, but I'm unsure on where I stand when it comes to whether I have a good amount of experience.

    Hoping someone can help me out.


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    Re: How much experience is needed?


    Have you looked upon the University website for details?

    How about contacting them directly and asking?

    Usually they will be helpful in these matters.

    If not maybe someone familiar with the process can help


  3. #3

    Re: How much experience is needed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck Physio View Post

    Have you looked upon the University website for details?

    How about contacting them directly and asking?

    Usually they will be helpful in these matters.

    If not maybe someone familiar with the process can help

    Well I have many prospectuses. Some say that applications without work experience will be rejected. Others don't specify any amount in detail, it just says experience in these fields are required, which I am already aware of lol thanks for the advice on calling

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    Re: How much experience is needed?


    I'm hoping to apply for Physiotherapy next year (as a mature student) and from what universities have said to me, getting as much work experience in the different areas of Physiotherapy will help your application. So, say getting experience in care of the elderly, stroke units, private practises, MS care centres, rehabilitation etc. As much as you can really. Also, try and get involved in volunteer/community work. It will give you a strong background in caring for the community which will make your application stronger.

    I volunteer with the Irish Cancer Society and have also done volunteering at a community centre. It could be volunteering once a month or every second weekend so it doesn't have to take up all your study time.

    Also, it might be good to ring up the universities and ask to speak to the admission tutors so to make yourself known to them and get as much information about the application process as possible. (maybe wait a month though until the madness of September is over!!)


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