The current problem I am suffering from is a painful clicking like sensation on the postero medial aspect of my knee. This is not a problem when walking. It seems only to occur at a faster paced jog/sprinting as well as during standing hamstring curls. However no problem when doing hmastring curls in prone and no excessive pain on hamstring stretch. If i had to localise the sensation myself it would be to the group of tendons passing into the medial aspect of the tibia just proximal to their insetion.
In the build up to this problem I was recovering from a hamstring strain around midportion of the thigh and so had been resting from my usual physical activity..which is usually soccer training and matches around 4-5 times a week. The problem first occured as I began jogging again. The first 20 minute jog was painfree however the problem occured on the 2nd and 3rd sessions.
Any ideas on what the problem could be would be much appreciated..if you require any more information I'll try and supply it. Thanks in advance
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