Hi Sequence thanks for the reply

It happened in a football match where a player came across with a tackled and all I remember was a popping sound. The lateral collateral ligament swell right up but the Wikipedia reference-linkMRI scan show there was only a ruptured ACL. From what i'm aware the only thing the surgeon did was replace the ACL with a tendon from my hamstring. When having my stitches out today the doctor had a look at the notes and did say they had to take a a bit of something out of my knee and said it could affect me later in life. I asked about sport and football and he did say as long as you folllow the physio's instructions you'll be fine.

When I saw the physio pre op with my knee on the bed it would click when fully extended. She put her hand on it and when i started to bend my knee she could feel the clunking sound and said it were deep, maybe it was behind the knee and the joint may have moved.

Im on crutches with no brace. I would say im putting 40% weight bearing on it with crutches. The bending of the knee is getting better but as I did before the op with the physio when I bend my knee now it seems to build up to a click rather than a click (hard to explain). When its extended say going up the stairs it feels as if its building up to a click again just below the kneecap. Most of the time when it does build up for the click it does click inless I move into a position to stop it.

Thanks for your help again
