hiya guys and gals.
had this guy approaching me at the gym today, asking for a quick opinion. So my assessment was very brief, hence the lack of proper info, but I hope to get some ideas before I see him next.
~55yo physically active male, had a bilateral pain in his mid/mid-lateral humerus (ant. deltoid attachment, approximately) for almost 11 years. "deep", non radiating, not constant, exercise induced.
The pain is brought about by shoulder flexion exercises such as shoulder press, and lateral abduction, but almost always over 90 degrees. He recalls not being able to abduct at all at first, but improved during years, and now can do light weights.
- Direct palpation "sort of" brings vague pain, but nothing major.
- Subacrom. impingement neg
- speeds neg
- supraspinatus, biceps resisted painless
- Yergason neg
The injury, as he suspects, occurred on the pullover machine. Only x-rays have been done back then but showed nothing. no soft tissue imaging etc. ever done, and no diagnosis or proper treatment. though he says he had at least rested for couple of weeks.
I know this is very little info, but that's all I could get from him in those couple minutes. I will be seeing him later this week, and hope to have a "proper" look.
Any ideas? Educated guesses? all welcomed!
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