Hi Guys,
Im just after a little advice really, I would really appreciate it if anyone could spare a little time to just help me out, or just point me in the right direction!
About 8 months ago, I pulled my (right) hamstring during sprinting, nothing serious grade 1, foolish as i am, i conitnued my sprinting training and over 2-3 weeks i soon realised i must rest!
I did so, i rested and started a reasonable strengthening and stretching program for my hamstring. Started really light just range of motion, built up exercises with ankle weights, lunges, i have a nice program for it now:
My Lower Body Day:
Lunges Standard 3 Sets Of 16 Reps
Hamstring Bridges (Stability Ball) 3 Sets of 8 Reps
Leg Curl (Stability Ball) 3 Sets of 8 Reps
Calf Raises 3 Sets Of 25 Reps (5Kg)
Pistols 3 Sets Of 5 Reps
Due to another injury i cannot return to my sport, i am stuck doing lots of strength/endurance training.
Both of my hamstrings, are tender to palpation, at the very top of the leg, I have poor flexibility in my hamstrings, if i stick my fingers in and have a gentle feel around, i feel a semi tender spot, its nothing intense, but i just wondered is this very bad, could it be a trigger point (in both probably not) or do we all get sensetive spots when were just palpating quiet deep into muscles? Could this tenderness be due to the poor flexibilty?
The injury preventing me returning to sport now is a lack of muscle in the left side of my back, and due to scar tissue im finding it difficult to build the muscle back up, this weakness is causing a pain in my left hip as well, im on my way to seeing a physio about this though, could this be causing anything with the hamstrings?
Sorry to just join the board and post my problems, but im getting desparate!
If anyone has any tips on breaking up scar tissue, that would be greatly appreicated also!
Thankyou very much in advance.
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