Hi all,
I started a discussion at http://www.physiobob.com/forum/showt...=9891#post9891 needing help on the pricing of a new product that I am developing.
Being associated with one of Australias largest physio suppliers, I can tell you that we have a steady stream of wobble boards walking out the door.
I am interested to know what all those boards are being used for.
Are they still considered useful for ankle rehab?
Are they useful in proprioceptive training?
How useful are they in knee or hip rehab?
Are they being used in falls prevention programs for the elderly? (Lets not limit the discussion to wobble boards but include rocker boards as well.)
Or are you all really just buying them to serve pizzas on?
Very interested to hear your comments. And if you would like to download some beta trial software (not for sale yet) that you can potentially use to test patients and record progress and give live visual feedback on a board, send me a private message and I will send you a link.
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