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  1. #1
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    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Knee - Posterior - Left

    Knee - Anterior - Left

    Please help me to know what i got Osgood-Schlatter or jumpers knee?

    Sorry for my bad english,but i will try
    So i am 17 years old and i am playing basketball.Everything was good when suddenly i was feeling pain in tibial tuberosity bone,i was playing with that pain for about 2,5 month when i realize that pain in that bone is increasing (before,in and after training).
    So i made an x-ray and went at sport doctors to show x-ray with my knee.
    So one doctor say that problem is osgood-schlatter disease and i need to rest without sports activities for at least 6 months to heal that bone.And with recovery i need to do specific exercises.
    Second doctor say that problem is jumpers knee and say that my tibial tuberosity bone looks fine and that isn't a problem and i need to rest for 1-2 months and after that need to slowly return to sports activities till i get back to normal level without pain symptoms,also doctor says that i need rehabilitation with specific exercises.
    So i really don't know which one i have jumper's knee or Osgood-Schlatter.

    Someone who knows which one is the real one cause could help me with wrtiting what to do next,how long,prevention and rehabilitation exercises.
    It would be awesome!

    In link are my knee x-rays.


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  2. #2

    Re: Please help me to know what i got Osgood-Schlatter or jumpers knee?

    It does happen that doctors (specialists) do not agree on the outcome of an Xray.
    If one of the doctors you have seen is a radiologist, I personally would trust that opinion more.

    I suggest you go to a sports-physiotherapist in your country and let them assess you. They might ask for a 3rd opinion on the X-ray..
    I cannot judge the X-rays even if I have had some training.
    Radiology is a specialized field of medicine. You need knowledge and expertise to check the X-rays, look at the problem and take into account the patients symptoms to judge properly.
    In Austria it should not be a problem ....
    Hope you find help soon.

    kind regards Esther

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    Please help me to know what i got Osgood-Schlatter or jumpers knee?

    xreinis23 (27-01-2015)

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    Re: Please help me to know what i got Osgood-Schlatter or jumpers knee?

    Thanks for reply!
    I want to say that i forgot to say details about doctors.And i am not from Australia ,I don't find my country in that search.
    One doctor who told that it is schlatter, was ofilficially national women basketball team doctor.And when i was at him,he look at x-ray and also was pressing his fingers in my knee,and i needed to told when my knee hurts.And also need to tell hoe long excatly it hurts.
    Second doctor who said it is jumper knee,is a sports doctor to all kind of sports,he works in place who is like athlete hospital,where need to test your health every year.And at him,he also check with fingers my knee and i needed to told when it hurts.And also show him x-ray,when he said that bone looks fine.
    But i didn't go to sports-physiotherapist and it sounds like great idea.But question is when i will know sports-physiotherapist opinion,i can trust him and i need to trust with that opinion and to that rehabilitation idea?

  5. #4

    Re: Please help me to know what i got Osgood-Schlatter or jumpers knee?

    It does say you are in Austria at the moment, not Australia....
    In which country are you based at the moment?
    Knee pain can be caused by many different problems. You need to go to a specialized therapist.
    Finding one is not always easy, I would ask around, at sportsclubs, your GP and others to find the right person.
    They should assess you both actively and passively and check your total lowerlimb function.
    The only one that can really help you get to the bottom of what you have AND more importantly, how to recover again, is the health professional that is treating you.
    Not people on an online forum like here.


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    Re: Please help me to know what i got Osgood-Schlatter or jumpers knee?

    I agree with Estherderu. you should get a third opinion from a sports-physiotherapist in your country.



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