Thanks a million to everyone who replied to the Shoulder Clunking Problem.
The pt. I had was incidently my brother, so he only let me assess/treat him on and off over the past few weeks. He didn’t allow me to fully assess his as he wanted a quick fix treatment exercise program! So I apologise for my lack of objective findings from my physical exam. Any future patients will not be family members I assure you all.
His progress to date has been pretty good.
The main agg. factor for his clunking shoulder was
- doing high reps of lat pull downs in the gym ie 10 in a row.
- Shoulder clunked when he started to fatigue, so was clunk free at rep 6-7.
Currently his mgmt to date has included
- Scapular setting exercises (He had a Winging Scap)
- Internal rototor strengthening exercises
- Reduction of reps of pull downs
-Some thoracic joint Grade 3 mobs for the stiffness there.
I’m a fairly new member to this forum and am well impressed with it.
Look forward to being in touch with ye all again. It's great bouncing ideas off each other. This Forum is blessed having regular input from many physiotherapists with years of clinical experience behind them in this field.
Thanks for all the discussion and brainstorming about the Clunking Shoulder.
A topic not touched on at college these days!