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  1. #1
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    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Head, Neck - Posterior

    Head, Neck - Anterior

    Shoulder - Posterior - Right

    Shoulder - Anterior - Right

    Push ups and neck pain

    I do 40-50 min of exercise at home 5-6 days, most of the them are floor exercises for abs or using light dumbbells of 5kgs for chest, shoulders, obliques and biceps (7.5 kgs for bicep/hammer curl), for legs I do squats with dumbbells overhead press, lunges, lunges with side twist and pistol squat ( half way down) on alternate days of 5 -6 sets of 15 each.

    I have recently recently picked up sharp neck pain just above the shoulder blades on the right don't know if this is because of improper push up (more likely) or over doing.

    My daily pushup routine among other home exercise

    monday- flat push ups 3sets of 20 each + declined push ups (3 step height) 3-4 sets of 20 each
    tuesday- one handforward one hand behind of 6 sets of 15 on each side (switching hands for every set)
    wednesday - spider man style push ups with one leg crunch forward 5 sets of 12 each on each side (switching leg crunch for every set) + 5-6 sets of diamond push ups of 20 each, between these two push ups I do couple of abs exercies
    thursday - same as monday
    Friday- same as tuesday
    saturday/sunday - spider man style push ups with one leg crunch forward 5 sets of 12 each on each side (switching leg crunch for every set) + 5 sets of one hand on sofa and other on the floor of 15 each for each hand (switching hand after every set)
    one day no exercise or altenative weeks swimming of 20 min.

    I do mild bouldering ocassionally for an hour.

    In addition I do other exercise combination of warmup, streching for back (due to a disc buldge I picked up 10 yrs), abs + different part of the body each day, no day exerise is the same at the most just 1/2 of the exercise repeat alternate day or least 2 days appart.

    I do streching for back, calf muscles (since I picked up plantar fisciatis couple of years ago), and shoulder strech on the shoulder day if I remember, otherwise no other stretches

    I am an slim-skinny weightin 67kgs, 5-11, not much much of muscle mass.

    Since the pain has started I can't do any more of any of the above push ups, including other dumbbell (I use 5kg) based chest exercises lying on flat floor(dumbbell fly, dumbbell press and over head raise), doing any push ups sharp pain picks appears followed by mild sorness for the rest of day. Having said that I tried inclined push up on steps like 10-12 I can do 3 sets on the 4th step.

    If I don't do any exercise or closest to push up then there is no pain. Once I do any exercise then the pain restarts. I am OK to pause the exercise but I feel stopping the exercise is no the solution to my pain. I want to be able to get back to being normal and carry out the daily exercises. Please suggest me how to recover from the neck pain and restart my push ups.

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    Re: Push ups and neck pain

    Hi pressi,
    in order to determine the origin of pain, one would have to do an assessment. Unfortunately, there is no way of assessing you from the distance.

    Apart from deciding where the pain comes from and how to treat it, Physios test posture, muscle strentgh, joint movement, tendons, ligaments, etc.. The outcome of this assessment will determine which exercises are the correct ones for you and with which loading/ which repitition/ which frequency they should be done. The Physio will then demonstrate and explain the exercises to you as well as watch you doing them. They will correct you and ensure that you know how to perform an exercise correctly.

    We overlap in some of these other areas with Personal Trainers and if you have no pain, a PT is also an expert in condition assessment and exercise prescription.
    But as you are in acute pain, I recommend that you refer yourself to a Physio.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
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    Re: Push ups and neck pain

    You can go for Ultrasound physiotherapy, It will give you proper pain relief. This therapy helps to reduce pain. While healing your body’s deep tissue, stress and muscle tightness and backpain can connect back to the root cause of your pain. Ultrasound therapy effects help to soften tissue cell metabolism. It helps to increase blood flow, it makes the cells more receptive to healing fluids. Ultrasound US111 is the modern device which help to release ‘Endorphins’ which is natural healing chemical released by body to heal pain. US111 therapy uses the natural approach without any side effects. For better results and improvement you should try out and to know more:- https://ultracarepro.in/product/us-1...le-ultrasound/

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