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  1. #1

    can anybody suggest effective taping for Planter fascitis

    i've a patient 55/F suffering from planter fascitis since last few months. at present her condition is acute with deep boring pain in morning hours.

    i've prescribed- US pulsed mode(1:1) for 6-8 min., planter fascia stretch, calf streth, ankle active movements, self massage in morning, can anybody suggest me taping for planter fascitis that can work as a night splint to hold the Planter fascia in a stretched position.

    with thanks

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  2. #2

    Re: can anybody suggest effective taping for Planter fascitis

    dear colleagues,
    A systematic review of controlled trails called;
    Efficacy of taping for the treatment of plantar fasciosis was published in the JAPMA vol 100. No 1. Jan/febr2010. Authors Water van de A.T.M. & Speksnijder C.M.†.

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