~ 5yrs ago i experienced what i can only describe as a burning sensation in my left inguinal area, from around the inguinal ring and downwards. There was no 'injury' that made this happen as far as i am aware i just woke up like it. I let it lie for a couple of weeks and the burning faded to be left with a 'discomfort' of something not right down there. Sometimes i felt as though i could press on a spot on the inguinal ring and cause an acute pain. I went to family doc who did some tests but came back blank - Went for anMRI on lower back and again all clear. Had
facet joint injections which again did nothing. Has physio to try and mobilise the inguinal ligament on the left and generally free things up but no improvement. This was over 5 years ago and the symptons were/are
virtually no pain on waking
pain is minimal if just lounging around
if sitting on a chair ie upright then get pretty bad pain in left inguinal area but spread to high hamstring/glute area
sitting position can sometimes cause left inguinal/scrotal/adductor numbness which indicates to me genitofemoral involvement? Moving resolves this numbness.
Recently i woke and 'stretched' in bed ie just woke the muscles up sort of thing and felt a definate 'pop' from my right inguinal area. Over the last month or so this area has started to feel very similar to the left.
I have seen sports MD's and not got that far, have tried inguinal and genitofemoral nerve blocks but i think they 'missed' - They were thinking of sending me to a hernia guy but now i am presenting with right sided symptons they want to reassess -
Sorry this is not 'easy' but anyone got any clues? Sitting is a killer after few hours (its never comfortable) and after this time i'd like to get it resolved.
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