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    young fast bowler injury

    I read with interest the posts regarding stress fractures in young, fast bowlers as my 15 year old son is also suffereing from acute lower back pain when he bowls. We have just had an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI scan done for him which shows that at the L5/S1 level there is mild loss of normal intervertebreal disc height in keeping with early dsic desiccation. Also there are subtle cortical irregularities at the anterosuperior endplates of the L2 and L3 vertebral body. I cannot seem to find much information on this but would like to have an understanding of what this means,

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  2. #2
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    Re: young fast bowler injury

    Hello LittleSFR

    when your son bowls, he badly injures his back,

    1. when he start to bowl he runs fast leaning forward,{NOW HIS CENTRE OF GRAVITY FALLS IN FRONT AND STRESSES HIS BACK }

    2.Then takes a sudden extension and brings the ball over his shoulder with both his hands in overhead position,{THIS INCREASES THE LORDOTIC CURVATURE}

    3.Now he spins his shoulder keeping his back straight{THIS INCREASES THE COMPRESSION ON SPINE}

    4.And releases the ball with a twist in his spine{WHICH PRODUCES ENORMOUS SHEER FORCES}

    5.And bends forward so that he can give his maximum thrust to the ball meanwhile places his foot forcefully over the floor { THIS ALSO INCREASES THE GROUND REACTION FORCE},

    so he strains his back several times to bowl even a single ball.so stop him bowling for few months and now his age permits a fast recovery with the help of physiotherapy, then even after getting his back good rehabilitate him too slowly to the sport, strengthen his back muscles thoroughly under the guidance of the physiotherapist

    one thing to remember whatever the age is once a person has got back pain then his brain starts to respond in a new way to the load on back that is , it starts recruiting the outer core muscles even for a small task where else the brain of a normal person first recruits the inner core muscles for a small task and it starts recruiting the outer muscles slowly as per the need for further information visit the site,Updates On Back Exercise For Pain Relief!so rehabilitating his back first u need him to hollow his stomach and release, this is the first set of exercise he has to perform.

    Don't forget after getting right in his sports once again, better advice him to practice slow, spin bowling which only places a minimum stress on his back compared to fast bowling.

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