yea...impingement,rotator cuff injury, bursitis, blah blah blah....they all mean the same thing. First you should definitely see a PT that specializes in athletes (overhead especially) and orthopaedic problems.
From what you described and in my experience as a Sports Medicine/Manual PT you most likely have weakness in your scapular/Rotator cuff musculature and MOST LIKELY tightness also (i.e., lattisimus dorsi, serratus anterior?, pectoralis major/minor). Thoracic mobility may be a problem also (do you have pain on the back of your shoulder blade). Also could be addressed is a median nerve immobility (do you ever have shooting pains down your arm?)
There are a lot of things that can be treatments for your shoulder but ultrasound, laser, massage, voodoo, magic wands are not any of them. (all of those modalities are crap and are worthless in treating your condition)
ALSO: since it does hurt during your service which is basically an abduction and external rotation motion it could also be a labral pathology. either/or....still treated just about the same.