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  1. #1

    New grads! Own your own clinic within 2 years in Canada

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    I have three clinics here in ALberta, and I can't find a physio here. if you look up Alberta on the web, you'll see we have a big shortage.

    I'd be willing to sell one of the clinics (the furthest from my house) but it's also my most profitable.

    Anyone considering moving here?

    Crystal Westergard PT
    Battle River Physical Therapy LTD
    Camrose, AB
    [email protected]

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  2. #2
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    Hey Crystal, have your put your job opportunity on the jobs site. It will take about 60 seconds and the Canada opportunities are getting a lot of views. Why not try it now at www.physiobob.comIt is currently free.

    I used to work in Alberta myself in 1995 and I loved it. Mighty cold in Edmonton in winter but the blue skies and national parks were amazing.

  3. #3

    re:New grads! Own your own clinic within 2 years in Canada

    Advertise your physiotherapy job on Physiobob's Job
    Hey Crystal,
    I'm currently working as a PT in BC and interested in your offer. Can I have more details please.
    I'm a bit busy now but pictures of the facility will be helpful. Kind Regards.

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