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    Just got my NZ reg - over 10 years qualified, please advise

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    Hi, need some advice please

    I was lucky enough to be told yesterday that I was successful in gaining registration for NZ. It was a real shock to get it first time around as I've been on this forum before and heard all the horror stories from other people. I started the process well over a year ago (on the old portfolio) and managed to submit it in time before it changed over. They needed more info before it was passed to the assessors

    Anyway can someone please advise what the next stage is for those who are successful? This might sound daft but I was really expecting it to be sent back to me asking for more training so I continued working in Ireland letting the NZ application run its course.

    THe NZ Board have issued me with a number and said I can apply for the APC for April 2010 - March 2011 but i haven't obtained a work visa or found an employer yet. I'll contact them of course to get more clarification but this forum has been really helpful.

    Do you need to apply for the APC immediately or can it be delayed for a few months until you get the work visa sorted out and find an employer? I'm still working full time in Ireland.

    Sorry if I sound big headed as well all know how frustrating it has been providing the info they want but to all those still trying - keep going and you'll get there. I've been qualified 15 years from the UK, am far more into MSK than cardio or respiratory but I got references from old employers so that could be helpful!

    Also I phoned the NZ Board direct a couple of times for advice and they were really helpful too.

    Good luck to all of you and any advice would be great


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    Re: Just got my NZ reg - over 10 years qualified, please advise

    Hi Chris,
    congratulations, first of all!

    As to your questions: It does not matter when you apply for the APC, as it is valid for a year (always 1. April - 31. March) and there is no pro rata fee.

    Hope this helps,

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    Re: Just got my NZ reg - over 10 years qualified, please advise

    That's great Fyzzio! You've been really helpful answering these points.

    Can you advise how many hours of CPD are required each year in order to maintain the APC? I did a few courses last year but this one has been a bit quieter although I'll be on 3-4 in the next 2 months getting up to around 25 hours or so.

    On the APC form there's a section on page 6 asking for a 'self reflexion statement' a 'professional development plan' and 'CPD' sections to complete.

    Is it best to wait until the courses are done before applying or can I let the NZ board know that they will be undertaken in the near future.

    I'm also reading articles and doing self reflexion as I go along.

    Because this has been a 'quieter' year than last, could they turn around and say I need to do more before getting the APC even though I got an email last week saying I've been granted the licence?


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    Re: Just got my NZ reg - over 10 years qualified, please advise

    OK, I'm getting a bit more familiar now after reading the 'recertification' section in the NZ physio board but perhaps I can run this by someone just so I fully understand it:

    There's a minimun requirement of 20 formal CPD hours each year therefore in order to get a practicing certificate from 01/04/11 - 31/03/12, each physio has to do at least 20 formal CPD hours between 01/04/10 - 31/03/11 (this year). However over 3 years, physios have to get up to 100 hours of formal CPD (2008 - 2011).

    It's also possible to be called for an audit at anytime in which way you'd have to provide a PDR (Professional Development Record) via your log book.

    Any advice on how the majority of physios in NZ keep up to date with CPD would be appreciated. Do most use the log book method?

    I'm getting in touch with PAANZ as regards the state of acupuncture with those who've done the 80 hour UK AACP course. Does anyone know if you can practice acupuncture in NZ having done your training abroad or must you do more training through PAANZ?


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    Re: Just got my NZ reg - over 10 years qualified, please advise

    Hi Chris,
    in regards to CPD: where I work, we all use the exel version/ template of the logbook. Really rather easy. I'm not sure what other Physios do.

    For a first timer, I think all you have to do is apply for an APC upon successful registration.
    The logbook is for ongoing professional development = the future and it will be used for subsequent APCs. So, you don't have to worry about what kind of courses etc. you did in the last few years.
    The formal CPD relates to all sorts of activities - not neccessarily courses. You can put work experience into it, self-directed reading, supervision, audits, etc..

    I wouldn't say that it is possible to be called up for the audit, but rather VERY likely.

    Acupuncture - sorry, no idea. Anyone else???? But the contact with the PAANZ is most likely your best source anyway.


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    Re: NZ reg and acupuncture

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    OK thanks for that.

    I've just had a reply back from PAANZ regarding the state of acupuncture.

    It's OK for physios to practice if they have undertaken the basic 80 hour course with the AACP in the UK. THey can join PAANZ after getting to NZ but this is the basic minimum requirement however.

    In order to become a registered acupuncturist through PAANZ, you have to go on and complete 150 hours with further training in NZ.


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