The issue as far as I can see is mainly the NHS. It is going broke. Services are not expanding- if anything more and more physios are having to provide evidence of efficacy or face job cuts. I know for a fact that many Trusts are freezing posts when physios leave. I lecture at a University and fortunately the majority of last year's graduates now have jobs (although this has taken some of them many months). Our current final year students are in the process of applying for jobs and there really are very few around. As the previous person said people are not leaving posts as they know it will be difficult to get another post. Up until quite recently senior IIs used to leave to travel- I know they just aren't doing that now. My suggestion would be to avoid the UK. If you have to do a period of adaptation (as recommended by the HPC) it may also be difficult to find a hospital that will take you for that. Good luck with your job hunting!