I have a patient who has had anterior knee pain for over 1 year. Initially he was having pain every time that he ran. He still played football matches and
felt that the pain did not affect him as much as the adrenaline took his mind away from it.
On assessment there was decreased quads strength on full squat and decreased conrtol of gluts on squatting single leg.
Lig tests and meniscal tests were normal.
The pain he experienced was very much around the patella region.
He has been working on gluts strengthening in functional positions (weight bearing) and squats with control
of knee position. As well as inclined single leg squats to focus on quads strengthening.
His pain on running has improved and now he can run 2-3 miles with no pain. When the patient hops he has the feeling of a lack of propulsion and he gets knee pain on trying to perform multiple hops on the same leg.
To combat this i have started him on early plyometric exercises such as 2 leg box jumps and 1 leg step hops which can be done without pain. However he seems to be struggling to progress to the next stage of hoping exercises any advice?
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