Hi there
I would like to advice you first to check easily is it a compress Patten or stretch Patten
can you till us more on the sign and symptoms please
ie radiating pain to where?
Then from there I might be able to advice you
Hi all!
I'm an exercise therapist working at a senior retirement community and I have a client with Parkinson's, who is experiencing pain in his neck due to an impingement in the neck. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for exercises which could act as some sort of pain relief? Thanks!!!
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Hi there
I would like to advice you first to check easily is it a compress Patten or stretch Patten
can you till us more on the sign and symptoms please
ie radiating pain to where?
Then from there I might be able to advice you
Have you looked at the person's posture? The flexion pattern that Parkinson's patients tend to adopt can lead to strain on the soft tissue structures of the neck causing local and distant pain.
They often develop a kyphosis, (flexion) of the thoracic spine and lower cervical, with compensatory hyperlordosis (extension) of the upper C spine in order to achieve functional head position.
Thoracic extension and neck retraction exercises are generally where I'd advise you to start. If he truly has nerve root impingement then these will help too.
Check out Robin McKenzies neck retraction exercises as found in his book "Treat your own neck".
My client is away on vacation right now.. he'll be back in a week.
I'll check on everything you've mentioned and update you with more information. Thanks for your help!!!
hi guys
we should also look for any associated headache,tenderness to palpation of occipial and upper neck tissue.this help to detect cephalocervical syndrome,if its absent and only symptoms in the neck only, do layer palpation of posterior cervical structures.then it can be cervical syndrome.try treatment approach described by elvey and hall.