please could some one just gice me details at what possible can apply for her!!
Now i have a patient 43 yr.,hypertensive,female ,being have sever muscles spasm of neck(diagnosed as primary disc prolapse at c5,6,7) this post to her post operative lumber disc prolapse since 7 months ,,
there are numbness at upper limbs bilaterally, pain at buttoks down to her leg rigth,all of this post operatively,she cann't walk for long periods(more than 14 minutes) usually she is coming to me with sedatives !!!
i applied to her according to her assessment the following :hot backs at back and neck then TENS,then US then at the end of her session therapeutic exercises
my questions are if plan of treatment is right??
my patint treated with pt care since 3 months just sligth imrovements
her main proplem now that she cann't make her home duties(cleaning,washing ,,,since her operative until now????

please all try to enligthen me

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