The numbness started more in the pinky and ring finger then moved to the index finger and thumb. I did not have any strength loss in the bicep. The fingers were still strong as well. When i say neck pain, i may be a bit off. It was in the neck/trap/shoulder blade. I can not pinpoint one spot. I do know that when i was getting xrays that i needed to hold my head completely straight and back and that was painful. I would have to stoop my head to keep the pain down.
The emg showed abnormalities in the pec and lat the most. She said the tricep really was not bad, but i have definite weakness there. I really do not know the specifics of the report. As far as the other questions, i really do not have answers to them. I do know that i am getting some strength back, but not to where i would like.
Are there things you think i should ask? Which doctor should i go to and ask them as well. I have seen numerous types. I do appreciate your concern and time. Thanks.