At times of immobility, muscle wasting in Ursids is also suppressed by a proteolytic inhibitor that is released in circulation. ... in working against a much shorter lever arm than other muscles. ..... List of muscles of lower limbs ...
At times of immobility, muscle wasting in Ursids is also suppressed by a proteolytic inhibitor that is released in circulation. ... in working against a much shorter lever arm than other muscles. ..... List of muscles of lower limbs ...
Recently visited a Prof. of neurology. He diagnosed the condition neurologic amyotrophy. Basically a viral attack on the thoratic nerve. Symptoms are high pain in shoulder area 1-4 weeks, followed by some degree of paralysis and muscle wastage. Good news most people make full recovery. Did some research 80% recover in 2 years, 90% in 3 years, I’m hoping to beat that although last month has not seen any improvement. There’s no effective treatment, just time. It’s more common than people think. There’s no point doing MRi , there’s nothing to see. It’s often triggered after an immunization, or post operative stress or child birth , although I don’t fit into any of these categories. Do some research on the condition, I think this may be the issue with some of your office.
THank you for the update. It is great to hear that you have some information about what is going on.
It has been a while since my last post. It sounds that the diagnosis of a viral attack is pretty similar to my diagnosis supposedly stemming from the flu shot.
Since then i have been making strong steps. I am by no means back to normal, but i am at least getting the strength much closer to the other side. I am hoping by the 1 year anniversary of the initial pain I can be at least 90% back to normal. My pec muscle is still smaller but getting there. The lat is the same way. The tricep is taking a little longer, but coming along.
The only advice to people is to try and stay positive and keep working, it will come back.
It's good to hear your making positive progress. I've been making slow steady progress too. I'm not as obsessed with the injury these days and continue to train normally. Bench is creeping up to the 140Kg mark, and I've stopped using the russian stmulator. My anaversary is December. I'll keep you posted.