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    Pilates or something else?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi - I'm looking for some impartial advice so I hope someone can offer something for me. I'm looking to do some form of therapy for my lower back. I've been doing some core muscle exercise for the last 18 months but now want to ramp up activity. I am considering pilates but I have discovered information on the alexander technique, body control pilates and the Bowen technique. I have no idea which one would be helpful for working on improving posture and ultimately focusing on my lower back to help with my degenarate discs so any views or opinions would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,


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    Re: Pilates or something else?

    If its to improve posture, then Alexander Technique and pilates should both help. Personally I've found AT to be of huge benefit to me, much more so than pilates. I continue with the pilates because I've been told by so many people its great for low back and pelvis problems, even though I don't think its made any difference to my pain levels.

    But everyone is different, and I've heard of some people with our problem who think that pilates has really helped them, so it could be worth trying. One positive effect for me is that I now have the flattest stomach I've ever had in my life, so it will improve how your body looks, if nothing else!!

    What I like about AT is that it deals with the whole body, not just your 'problem' area. I think this is important because you soon realise how much everything is connected - how your head position affects the position of your pelvis etc. I can't recommend it highly enough. It would definitely help with your degenerated discs because you would learn to stand, sit and move in such a way that it puts less pressure on your discs. It won't cure the problem, but it should help prevent further deterioration.

    I'm not sure if Bowen would help with posture - I think its more like a massage type of treatment, concerned with releasing tight areas of muscle. I'm sure thats a very simplistic explanation and no doubt someone with more knowledge than me can help with this one - the only experience I've had is when I got someone to do Bowen therapy on my horse!

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    Re: Pilates or something else?

    Pilates is great providing you commence with a skilled teacher (suitably and fully qualified) in a one-to-one environment. Once you get to grips with that Gyrotonic is a great extension into full expressive body movement.

    As the previous person mentioned Alexander Techniques can be a useful self-exploratory approach to understanding your problem/s and your body. It can be a useful first step prior to pilates. Once you find your awareness of both movement and breath you can move on to more complex movement strategies that resemble more everyday life. Pilates does fall down on this a lot of the time although not so much with an insightful teacher.

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    Re: Pilates or something else?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Thanks to Caz and Physiobob. I think I'll have ago at pilates first and see what happens and how it works for my back. I guess the results won't be instant but i'm still a little frustrated that its a case of trying different techniques to see what works.

    Thanks for the feedback and if anyone else has a view then please feel free to post.


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