Brief Medical History Overview
Burning foot Syndrome

Does anybody have any experience with "Burning Foot Syndrome"?
The symptoms are burning on the plantar side of the feet especially at night and can keep one awake. There are odd shooting pains as well in random areas.
It is not
Plantar Fasciitis, and is often relieved with the first few steps after getting out of bed (as opposed to those being the worst in the case of Plantar Fasciitis).
It is not diabetic related
It is area non-specific and the burning can be on the whole plantar aspect of the feet.
It is also aggravated by standing in one position, but relieved with walking. But after walking the burning can be worse.
There is excessive pronation, but anti-pronation shoes and/or arch supports (custom-made) don't make a big difference to the symptoms.
There is generally no metatarsalgia, no med tubercle of calcaneus tenderness (bone spur), no weakness or loss of sensation, no buzzing/pins+needles, no vascular deficit (but worse in warm weather).
Changing between orthotics and sandals often during the day seems to help.
Also deep tissue massage to the calves - especially lateral m Soleus - seems to give delayed but short term relief. Soleus/Gastroc length is normal.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you
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