I have some malaligned joints which result in stiffness and distortions structures, mainly on the left hand side (LHS) of my body – spine and associated limbs. I have had these issues for 15+ years without much relief – it’s an ongoing battle to restore the balance. There is not much pain but rather a sense of being out of alignment/out of balance/ associated muscles and structures fatigued.

Occasionally I have no symptoms and feel balanced and restored – this can occur due to exercise or on its own. I can't seem to replicate the exercises that restore the balance consistently. Sometimes the exercises work and sometimes they make things worse (e.g. sometimes glute activation/external leg rotation exercise - 'prone clam' helps, but sometimes it makes things worse – joint structures seam to get inflamed/ irritated)

I have upper cross syndrome - tight pecs, rounded shoulders, tight neck trapezius, weak lower traps?, mild scoliosis -functional?)-high left shoulder which gets irritated from impingements. Constantly tight slumped posture – its difficult to sit up straight for a long time.

I think I also have lower cross syndrome - anterior rotated pelvis (especially LHS hip flexor is tight – which has difficulty responding to stretch).

I am also questioning my L4/L5 joint – which gets very tight and needs stretching (even after sleep) - not sure if it’s the joint or the psoas muscle pulling on the joint. Note, when I stretch this joint (axially) and psoas there is improved alignment and a sense of restored balance. Is this the cause of all my other issues ? Can one effected joint affect all other joints in the kinetic chain ? Would an MRI scan of spine help to determine if there is any compression or disk nerve issues? Perhaps I need traction on the spine - would this help?

I walk with a bit of a limp – mechanical behaviour is like a short right leg /long left leg. The left leg/pelvis does not seem able to take the load - actually whole LHS struggles – I’m not exactly sure why can’t I load through LHS effectively without glut activation? - is it weakness in LHS glutes, quads weakness?, gastroc weakness?, is it L4/L5 nerve compression effecting peronial nerve and then glutes activation?, or knee irritation (patella femoral or plica syndrome in knee? vmo weakness?), or foot stiffness (very tight left foot - stretch out rear foot and do get some needed flexibility/relief through kinetic chain), abdominal weakness?
I don’t know if all is cause by sedentary lifestyle -desk sitting (has it caused RSI or similar) - or if it is due to a specific injury(falling 5 m through a roof onto bum at age 10) or due to sudden stop in physical activity (age 19) followed by desk bound study /work for 15 years. Lounge and car sitting fatigues and irritates my back. Bending down to pick something off the ground irritates lower back –perhaps it is spondylitis or arthritis? (no swelling noticed).

Can anyone help with diagnosis, explain possible causes and the likely culprit structures and how to correct these alignment issues?

Are there any good books or internet sites with practical explanations/ pictures/videos of causes of malalignment - upper/lower cross syndromes scoliosis and kyphosis and how the body adapts to specific injuries and prolonged sitting and how to correct these issues? Note a lot of people live with these distortions but I’ve found it hard to find physios who can provide effective solutions.

Also, are there any documented examples of anyone recovering from similar biomechanical issues - before and after treatment pictures? Treatment exercise program?

Thank you

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