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    Re: Fractured 5th metatarsal recovery time??

    Quote Originally Posted by JacobHager00 View Post
    Hey, IM new too this site. But, I'm 13 and I broke my 5th metatarsal playing basketball. And I was wondering if anyone could tell me the recovery time. I have a splint and cruches right now and the hospital faxed my x-rays over to the ortho and they are looking at them. But I figured since I'm 13 my bone would heal faster, so could my recovery time actually be 4-5 weeks?

    I broken my 5th metatarsal on my left foot 8 weeks ago and thought I would share my recovery experience. Mine was a spiral fracture on the neck of the bone, from a fall on a night out. I am a 32 year old non-smoking, active male. I was walking and driving on it the day after until the wife insisted we go to the hospital.
    Seen the orthopedic specialist 3 days after the initial break and was given a stiff soled walking shoe so I could keep my ankle mobile.
    Kept weight off the foot and mostly elevated for the first 3 weeks.
    At 2 weeks I could rest the weight of my leg on the heel with no discomfort (unable to do previous to this).
    Start Week 4: Started to put minimal weight through the foot when walking using crutches and orthopedic shoe.
    Start Week 5: Could walk with one crutch while putting weight through my left heel.
    Start Week 6: Could walk with orthopedic shoe while wearing decent ankle boots in the shoe.
    Start Week 7: Could walk slowly with decent ankle boots.
    Had my second appointment with the orthopedic specialist during week 7, who took my crutches off me and told me to wear decent supportive footwear (work boots were good) and start walking on it. Also told I could drive when I could balance on my toes on my left foot. Was able to do this (with pain) 1 week later.

    I am now exactly at week 8 and am walking better each day. I'm hoping that I will be able to start running in a month (by the orthopedic doctors recommendations). I am planning to start exercising on an exercise bike this week and have been swimming on occasion.

    I have my last appointment (hopefully) in 4 weeks where I should be discharged.

    Sorry this a long post but on breaking my foot I Googled the type of break and was depressed by all the negative information on forums. People only seem to post when there's something wrong. Mostly the information was that after 8 weeks a majority of people went to see their doctor and were told to keep weight off it for a further 6 weeks.

    Basically; I listened to the doctors and did exactly what they said. I don't smoke or take on any form of caffeine (no tea, coffee, chocolate, energy stimulating drinks). I didn't take on any alcohol until week 4 and even then this was minimal (1 or 2 beers). Also I made sure I drank an extra glass of milk a day and ate plenty of fruit, veg and fish. And got plenty of sleep.

    I haven't taken any chance yet as I am registered for Tough Mudder on 17th November and hope to fit by then.

    Good luck and speedy recoveries!


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    Re: Fractured 5th metatarsal recovery time??

    Hi Paul

    i don't see you mentioning any X-rays. Did you have any along the way. Where you told by the X-ray it was totally healed?
    i have been 8 weeks now since my break, wore air boot, at 5 weeks no healing on X-ray, surgeon said try weight bearing on it around house, I did no pain only in the toe area which seems to be common because of immobilization I think. The pain has gone now from the toes. Surgeon said pain is my guide, if it hurts wear boot or elevate. So I have, but mostly can walk around house in sturdy shoe. Outside I wear air boot. 8 weeks and still no healing.

    Frustrated any suggestions.


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