
I'm recovering from hip bursitis and, after a course of diclofenac, the inflammation has really gone down and my hip does not hurt with general walking. But lately I have noticed is that my 'iliotibial band' (muscle running down the outside of the thigh between the hip and knee) seems very tight, particularly after any distance of walking. I've also had very painful tense muscles in my buttock and lower back.
I have been limping a lot, with the bursitis, which I think has tensed all of the muscles in that leg - I assume this didn't help! I have tried stretches and self-massage and a pilates dvd for stretching - is this a good idea?

I'd like to make sure I'm donig the right thing as I assume that the two are related and, if the muscle remains this tight, the bursitis will come back.

Any advice really is appreciated,



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